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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lil' Wayne Gets Jail Date Set! - Valentine's Day in Jail??? That' Can't be good

Lil' Wayne received his the start day for his jail sentence yesterday in court. The magic date is February 9th. Making his first official jail weekend to include Valentines day. That just does not sound good at all right? Valentines day in Jail? I know they don't do this statistic but that's gotta be the day the most butt rapes go down all year. Hahaha were dying over here talking about Valentines day in jail. I never even thought about what a shitty day that is for those dudes, just the sound of it is evil.

So remember girls, next time your sitting home on V-day eating haagen dazs bitching about how you don't have a man, think about what Valentines Day is like in jail.

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