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Monday, December 14, 2009

Still Don't Like Belichick, but I fuck with what he said about Randy

ESPN's making a pretty big deal about this Randy Moss shit, most likely because they took a quick break to find more whores that Tiger's trashed. If you haven't heard yet after the Patriots 20-10 win over the Panthers yesterday, Panther's DB Chris Gamble said:

"We knew he was going to shut it down," Panthers cornerback Chris Gamble(notes) said after the game. "That’s what we wanted to do him. That’s what we did. … He’d just give up a lot. Slow down, he’s not going deep, not trying to run a route. You can tell, his body language.

"I know everyone who plays against him, they can sense that. Once you get into him in the beginning of the game, he shuts it down a little bit"

What a faggit sour puss loser Gamble is. To me, this says a lot more about how shitty the Panthers organization is right now then anything about Randy. You lost the game and all you can do is talk shit about an insignificant 1on1 matchup? It's like when my little sister used to loose to me in a board game like Trouble or some shit and then say "at least I can beat you in Scrabble!" or some gay shit like that. I'm just baffled that ESPN is actually debating whether or not Gamble was right, rather than just talking shit about Gamble for being such a bitch. you lost the game, your trash, your team's trash. Just shut the fuck up.

Being From NJ (JETS GIANTS) I don't like the Pats or Belichick, but I did see him comment on the subject matter and i really fucked with it (that's a good thing for those struggling with the lingo). He said (my favorite quotes are in bold):

That’s a lot of conversation from a team that just lost another game,I have a lot of respect for Randy, I think he’s one of our best players and I think if you watch other teams defend him and watch other teams play against him, they think the same way,” Belichick said. “Other than these two guys from Carolina after they lost another game. I guess they don’t think that way. They haven’t won a lot of games now.”

he said it all with that pompous smile but for once I didn't throw some shit at the TV, I was actually happy that he made Gamble look like a bitch the best a public NFL figure could.

Listen it's Randy Moss. Yea he's lazy and most likely only gives a fuck 25% of the time, but that's why he's sick, because he doesn't' give a fuck and he's better than everyone else. If gamble trained for a race everyday for years, Randy could come out high and drunk from an 18 week no sleep crack binge and would burn his bitch ass. Suck it up, win some fucking games so next year I don't have to dump every single sorry ass Panthers player on my original Fantasy Roster

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